The story is written by Sally Anne Garland and re-illustrated by Allisa Ratna Oufalli as her assignment on English subject. The objective of the assignment was to read a story book and to retell the story by creating another illustration of the story. Allisa picked this book because she loves bunny so much.
Allisa is one of my Secondary B special need students (Grade9) and her work is just amazind; beyond my expectation.
Welldone Allisa and thank you Ibu Lita (Special needs assistant)
The story is written by Sally Anne Garland and re-illustrated by Allisa Ratna Oufalli as her assignment on English subject. The objective of the assignment was to read a story book and to retell the story by creating another illustration of the story. Allisa picked this book because she loves bunny so much.
Allisa is one of my Secondary B special need students (Grade9) and her work is just amazind; beyond my expectation.
Welldone Allisa and thank you Ibu Lita (Special needs assistant)
Ms. Gege